2022 Social Media Workshop for Optometrists


Meet our speaker:

Dr. Nishan Pressley is a board-certified Optometrist currently practicing in Orlando, FL. She is passionate about educating her patients & followers on the importance of eye health and preventative eye care. 

Dr. Pressley earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from The Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. She is the first African-American to graduate from the Accelerated Scholars Optometry program, where she completed her doctorate degree in only 3 years.

In her free time, Dr. Pressley is an eyecare influencer & content creator for her 130K+ social media followers across all platforms using the handle, @askdrnish. She also enjoys mentoring young students, guest-appearing on podcasts and spending time with her husband. 

It's Time To Take Your Social Media Seriously!

It all begins with an idea – Maybe you want to launch your practice, turn a side-hustle into something more, or maybe you just want to be recognized as an expert in the industry! Whatever your goals, creating your brand on social media can help you get there quicker!

Join Dr. Nishan Presley at our upcoming 2022 Educational Retreat where she will share the following to help you build your brand on social media:

  • How to Find Your Voice & Build Your Brand 
  • How to create content for your target audience
  • How to analyze your social media posts & engage with your audience

This event is FREE only for the attendees of the 2022 Educational Retreat. 

*** 5 lucky attendees will get a 50% discount on Dr. Presley’s Brand Like A Boss Master Class ***