COPE Post-Activity Evaluation Form

CE credits will be submitted within 30 days of submission. Please complete the ARBO required survey below to secure your credits.

COPE Post-Activity Educational Evaluation

Please complete this form to secure COPE Credits.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Doctor's Name(Required)
License Information(Required)
Please select from the options in the dropdown below.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event/Chapter Location
Please enter the event city and state below. If the event was virtual, skip this question.
As a result of this CE activity, I have developed new strategies to address the issues that were discussed.(Required)
As a result of this CE activity, my ability and skills have been improved.(Required)
As a result of this CE activity, I have identified changes I will implement in my practice.(Required)
As a result of this CE activity, I will significantly change the way I will treat and care for my patients.(Required)
As a result of this CE activity, I expect positive changes in my patient outcomes.(Required)