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Time: Apr 15, 2022, 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 1910 3567
Passcode: 644642

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Benefits of the Divas Spring Cleanse Program:

  1. Revitalizes Liver Health and Supports Natural Detoxification Mechanisms
  2. Provides Micronutrients, Phytonutrients, and Cofactors that Support Detoxification of Xenobiotics and Xenoestrogens
  3. Supports Healthy Estrogen Metabolism
  4. Increases Antioxidant Protection and Glutathione Production
  5. Promotes Gastrointestinal Health
  6. Customized protocol exclusively designed for Optometry Divas by our health coach+ 2 virtual live sessions
  7. Regain energy with improved digestive function and rejuvenate your mind and bodyÂ