Be Afraid of Standing Still

Ever have that overwhelmed feeling where you’re doing all that you can, but you’re not getting what you want? It can be very discouraging when the results you want is just taking it’s sweet time to materialize. Sometimes you may even wonder, what’s the use? Why not just quit?
Well, today, I want to remind you that as long as you’re taking action, you’re making progress. Don’t quit on your goals, keep on working on them. Even if the progress slows to a crawl. No matter what, keep going. Eventually, you will get there. Unless you give up, and simply stand still.
When we don’t get what we want in life, we feel disappointed. But if we look closely, we’ll realize that the majority of the time we don’t get what we want, it’s because we never truly BELIEVED we could.
Click HERE to the 7 Dream Killers Preventing Your Success eBook 7 Dream Killers Preventing Your Success – #5 Discouragement Ever feel discouraged as a…
Tracking metrics will allow you to see where you are in your practice. When you track your numbers, you will see the truth as it is, not as you wish to see it; because numbers don’t lie. Understanding the story behind your numbers is powerful. That is why as a CEO Optometrist, you need to track your numbers.
Finding Hope in the Darkest Moments “It’s courageous to ask for help. It’s always best to ask for help when you need it the most.”…
It’s not our circumstances that discourage us, it’s our belief about those circumstances that cause these emotions. That’s why two different people can have the same challenge or struggle but have 2 different outcomes.