Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

Did you know that there’s a difference between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence? While self-esteem and self-confidence overlap, they’re two different psychological concepts.

Confidence is your BELIEF in yourself, your knowledge, your skills, and your abilities.

Whereas, esteem is how you appreciate and value yourself. A healthy dose of esteem and confidence is essential to enjoy a fulfilling life.

Building Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence: A Journey for Women Optometrists

Once upon a time, there was a young optometrist named Dr. Sarah. Fresh out of school, Sarah was passionate about her work and eager to make a difference. However, as she embarked on her professional journey, she often found herself battling waves of self-doubt and insecurity. She knew she had the knowledge and skills, but something was missing.

Self-Confidence: Your Inner Cheerleader

Sarah’s mentor once told her, “Think of self-confidence as your inner cheerleader.” This simple advice stuck with her. She realized that self-confidence is the belief that you can handle situations, learn new things, and overcome obstacles. It’s like having a mental toolbox stocked with skills and strategies. Every time Sarah successfully fitted a patient with the perfect pair of glasses or diagnosed a challenging case, she added a tool to her toolbox, boosting her confidence.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), confidence is built through competence and mastery. Sarah started to trust her abilities more, whether it was acing a presentation, playing an instrument, or cooking a gourmet meal. She understood that confidence fuels performance, and fortunately, it’s something you can cultivate over time. Each small success added to Sarah’s confidence reservoir, reinforcing her belief in herself.

Self-Esteem: The Emotional Foundation

While confidence helped Sarah tackle professional challenges, she realized that self-esteem was equally important. Self-esteem is like the emotional foundation of a house—it shapes how you perceive yourself and your worth. Sarah learned to appreciate her inherent value as a human being, understanding that self-esteem says, “I matter, and I deserve respect and kindness.”

The APA emphasizes that self-esteem is about unconditional acceptance. Unlike confidence, which can fluctuate based on specific situations, self-esteem is more stable. It’s not tied to achievements or external validation. Sarah’s self-esteem influenced the conversations she had with herself, encouraging self-compassion and positive self-talk.

The Dance Between Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Imagine a dance floor where confidence leads and self-esteem follows. When Sarah believed in her abilities (confidence), she felt good about herself (self-esteem). However, if confidence waltzes too aggressively, it can become arrogance. And if self-esteem hangs back too much, it might lead to self-doubt. The sweet spot is a harmonious blend of both.

Nurturing Both

Sarah discovered ways to nurture both her confidence and self-esteem:

  • Confidence Boosters: She sought out challenges, learned new skills, and celebrated victories—big or small. She surrounded herself with supportive people who cheered her on, reminding her of her strengths.
  • Self-Esteem Builders: Sarah practiced self-compassion, treating herself kindly, just as she would a dear friend. She recognized that imperfections are part of being human and embraced them.
  • Mindfulness: She tuned into her thoughts, asking herself if they were uplifting or critical. By adjusting her inner narrative, Sarah fostered a healthier self-image.

Join Us

Sarah’s journey is a testament to the power of self-confidence and self-esteem. As women optometrists, embracing these two intertwined aspects of our psychological well-being can transform our personal and professional lives.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Join us at for exclusive content, resources, and a supportive community that celebrates and nurtures your growth.

Click HERE to join us today and take the first step towards becoming the most confident and self-assured version of yourself!

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