7-dream-killers-preventing-your-success-#3 Negativity

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7 Dream Killers Preventing Your Success – Dream Killer #3: Negativity
A little self-criticism can be a good thing. It can be a reality check that helps you stay grounded and motivates you to improve. But there’s a big difference between “I need to work out more,” which might spark motivation, and “I’m a jiggly blob,” which reinforces destructive negativity.
Many entrepreneurs defend their negative thought patterns by calling themselves “realists.” But here’s the truth: If you consider yourself a realist, make sure you understand the full meaning.
A realist is someone who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly. They approach challenges by assessing the situation and seeking practical solutions, not by dwelling on everything that could go wrong. Realists are solution-focused, while chronic negativity clouds your judgment and often prevents you from taking any action at all.
Negative thinking can hijack your brain’s ability to solve problems and hinder even the simplest of tasks. It distorts reality and often creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure. And as if that weren’t enough, persistent negativity can also take a toll on your physical health, leading to stress-related illnesses and emotional dysfunction.
When negativity becomes a habit, it creates a cycle that brings everything crashing down—your life, your dreams, your business. The good news is, you don’t have to stay trapped in that mindset. You can adopt a positive outlook by taking three simple steps.
Dream Killer #3: Negativity
Negativity is like cancer—it eats away at you, one thought at a time. It’s natural to experience negative thoughts now and then, but when you constantly interpret situations through a lens of fear and doubt, it becomes a dangerous habit. That negative lens dictates your focus, fueling even more negative self-talk and further undermining your confidence.
But you can overcome negativity and start seeing the world in a more positive light by using these three steps:
Steps to Overcome Negativity
1. Put Your Thoughts into Words
One powerful way to combat negative thinking is to put your thoughts into written or spoken words. Writing them down in a journal or discussing them with a trusted friend can help you confront the irrational basis of your fears. Many times, just the simple act of getting those thoughts out of your head will help you see how untrue they really are.
I remember a client named Rachel, who constantly worried about her business failing. She had so many negative thoughts swirling in her mind that it paralyzed her from making decisions. When I suggested she start journaling, Rachel hesitated at first, but she decided to give it a try. Writing down her fears revealed just how unrealistic they were, and she was able to think more clearly and take proactive steps in her business. Her business didn’t just survive—it thrived.
2. Replace Assumptions with Facts
Negative self-talk is often based on misinformation or assumptions that are just plain wrong. Instead of jumping to conclusions, take time to gather facts about the situation. You’ll likely discover that your assumptions are inaccurate.
Consider this story of Thomas Edison, who failed over 1,000 times before inventing the lightbulb. Imagine if he had assumed that his failures were proof of his incompetence. But instead of letting negativity take over, Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” By focusing on facts, Edison’s perseverance eventually led to success.
When you begin to see situations clearly, your negative assumptions will start to unravel, and you’ll be empowered to make more informed decisions.
3. Make Daily Positive Affirmations
Words are powerful. The words we speak to ourselves shape our reality. By changing your words, you can change your world.
Affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat to yourself, describing the person you want to be or the reality you want to create. When you first start saying your affirmations, they might not feel true—but with repetition, they sink into your subconscious mind, and eventually, they begin to transform how you see yourself and the world.
Here’s an example: I struggled with negative self-talk for years, especially when it came to public speaking. I used to tell myself, “I’m not good at this. I’ll never be confident enough to speak in front of a crowd.” But one day, I decided to change my approach. I started affirming, “I am a confident and capable speaker. My voice matters, and I have something valuable to share.” Over time, this new narrative replaced my old one. Today, I speak regularly at events with confidence, and I credit much of that transformation to the power of positive affirmations.
Try making a list of affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them out loud every day. For example: “I am worthy of success,” “I am strong and capable,” or “I attract opportunities into my life.”
The Impact of a Positive Mindset
By overcoming negativity, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. Here are just a few of the benefits:
- Happiness: A positive mindset leads to greater overall happiness.
- Clarity: You’ll gain clarity and perspective, allowing you to make better decisions.
- Fulfillment: With a positive outlook, you’ll feel more aligned with your purpose and more fulfilled in your life and business.
Negativity might be a habit now, but you can break free of it by taking these steps. I challenge you to start today.
A Challenge for You
For the next seven days, I challenge you to reframe your negative self-talk. When negative thoughts creep in, use the strategies above to combat them. Write your thoughts down, replace assumptions with facts, and make daily positive affirmations.
If you accept this challenge, let me know by leaving a comment below or emailing me at [email protected]. I can’t wait to hear how this challenge impacts your life!
Dream Big, Take Risks, Become the CEO of YOU®
Dreamers are world-changers. It’s time to stop letting negativity hold you back. Believe in your dreams, take risks, and become the CEO of YOU®. Don’t just tell the world what you can do—show the world what you can do. Your dreams are worth fighting for, and with a positive mindset, nothing can stop you.
Stay tuned for next week’s post where we’ll explore Dream Killer #4: Fixed Mindset. Until then, remember to Dream Big, Take Risks, and become the CEO of YOU®!
Take the Next Step
Dreamers are world-changers—and that includes you. You have the power to dream big, take risks, and shape your future. If you’re ready to dive deeper into overcoming these Dream Killers, check out my eBook 7 Dream Killers Preventing Your Success. It will give you actionable strategies to protect your dreams and keep moving forward.
Click HERE to get your copy of the 7 Dream Killers Preventing Your Success eBook!