Never Lose Sight of Your Why

Running an organization that empowers women is not always glamorous. It’s long hours, personal sacrifices, and constant challenges.

But it’s also incredibly rewarding. There are the moments of satisfaction. There are the relationships you build with your team and some amazing colleagues, some who became my close friends. And there’s the knowledge that you’re creating something that makes a difference in the world, because you actually help empower, connect, and promote the success of others.

And in all of that, I need to remind myself to find time to spend with the ones that I love the most. Because when it comes to staying the course, you can never lose sight of your why, what makes all the work worth it, and who you are building for.

Hope this reminds you to stay the course, never lose sight of your why, and continue to move boldly and confidently in the direction of your goals and dreams. You’ve got this!

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